Digitalni prostori: izazovi i očekivanja

The preparation of this thematic proceeding came from the point of view that digital space is accepted as a huge field of challenges with a lot of heterogeneous elements, which develop in different conditions and act on one another. Within these frameworks, studies of various phenomena involved in the expertise of each of the authors of the individual or group of authors are moving, bringing this subject code into the order of the works in this field, which digitally observe, first of all, as a space that we observe very clearly, whose influence we are aware of, and in which the interrelationships that are necessary and important to problematize are re-established. Issues of interaction in digital spaces have long overtaken the standard issues of traditional communication relations, converting themselves to the level of new communications, new cultures, new arts, new social relationships. Any pro and contra in this context is actually a new space for exploration in an ever-different digital space, and as such is a new challenge and a new expectation.

Teoretičarka medija i novinarka koja daje važan doprinos u oblastima medijske pismenosti, medijske pedagogije, istraživačkom novinarstvu, novinarskoj stilistici, odnosima sa javnošću, kao i digitalnim i postdigitalnim medijskim praksama.

/ Uvod: Digitalni prostori – Izazovi i očekivanja,  Ljiljana Bulatović

/ Nastajanje algoritamske moći i kolonizacija budućnosti, Jovan Čekić

/ Ectopic body and digital tracking: wearable anthropometry and data security, Ana Došen, Mirjana Stošić

/ Nova medijska pesma: od avangardnih i neoavangardnih pesničkih metoda i stategija ka novoj medijskoj poeziji, Dubravka Đurić, Amra Latifić

/ Digitalne umetnosti i paradoks, Maja Stanković

/ Recruitment and selection techniques in the digital era, Marija Runic Ristic, Tahir Masood Qureshi

/ Digital marketing in serbia: a sectoral view, Danijela Lalić, Nataša Krstić, Dunja Vujičić

/ Trends and challenges of political polling and research in the digital age, Nikolina Ljepava, Marko Selaković

/ The impact and implementation of digital media on children’s upbringing and education, Nenad Perić

/ Evaluation of on-line courses developed at the faculty of business studies and law and faculty of information tehnology, Goran Bulatović, Ljiljana Bulatović

/ Karakteristike „digitalnih urođenika“ i specifičnosti njihovog učenja, Nevena Krasulja, Milica Vasiljević Blagojević

/ Us and them: negotiating national identities in a shifting europe, Griseldis Kirsch, Ioana Cocuz, Danica Igrutinović

/ Digitalni mediji i budizam: simuliranje nirvane i ostali trikovi, Danko Njerš

/ Neoliberalni subjekt i Web 2.0: Delezovske i lakanovske perspektive, Rade Pantić

Edicija: Collectanea
Grafičko oblikovanje: Borut Vild

Obim: 308 str.
Format: 16 x 23,5 cm
Povez: broširan

Godina izdanja: 2019.
ISBN 978-86-81042-30-4

