Representation of Gender Minority Groups in Media: Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

Recent research on media representation in the post-Yugoslav region has indicated that social, cultural and political stigmatisation of non-heteronormative sexualities still shapes the media discourses on various gender minorities. The issues of media representation of the LGBTTIQ population have especially become central to debates on the Pride parade and the social influence and political status of its representations in the local media. Considering inclusive/exclusive strategies, research conducted in the region has found that although the media broadcast a considerable amount of content directly connecting human rights and the needs of members of marginalized groups, representatives of gender minority groups (GMG) are rarely and misleadingly presented in the media.

Tatjana Rosić Ilić je teoretičarka književnosti i medija. Njeno trenutno istraživanje usmereno je na kulturu straha i kulturu otpora u svetu globalnih medija kao i na kritičke studije roda, maskuliniteta i ženskog autorstva u kontekstu tranzicione postjugoslovenske i balkanske kulture sećanja.

Jasna Koteska je makedonska teoretičarka književnosti i književnica. Radi u oblastima teorijske psihoanalize (Frojd, Lakan, Kristeva, Klajn), književne teorije i studija roda i u širokom spektru tema: intimnost, sanitarnost, trauma, ponavljanje, minijaturizacija, kao i filozofija i književnost 19. veka, komunizam, rana psihoanaliza.

Janko Ljumović je producent i profesor čije osnovno polje istraživačkog rada čine scenske umetnosti, mediji, menadžment u kulturi i kulturne politike.


/ Human Rights of LGBTTIQ Persons in Western Balkans
and Regulating the Broadcasters (4 texts)

/ Media Silence and the Role of the Stateons in Western Balkans
and Regulating the Broadcasters (5 texts)

/ (Self) Representation, Media Image
and the Policies of Exclusion/Inclusion (5 texts)

/ Representations of the Possible Future: Gender Minority
Groups in New Media and Popular Culture (5 texts)

Edicija: Collectanea
Grafičko oblikovanje: Borut Vild

Obim: 336 strana
Format: 16 x 23,5 cm
Povez: broširan

Godina izdanja: 2015.
ISBN 978-86-87107-54-0

