Transactional Analysis: theory, practice, research
Articles presented in this publication were a part of a conference program at the international scientific conference „Transactional Analysis Winter School“, held March 9-11, 2018 in Belgrade. Over 10 presenters from different countries of the region participated with their scientific, theoretical and professional works. The presented works covered topics related to transactional analysis and its application, and development as a personality theory, an integrative psychotherapeutic modality, and, moreover, a theory of change that has its value beyond the field of psychology.
O autoru
Psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor of transactional analysis. Professor at the Departmant for Psychology at the Faculty of Media and Communications. Editor of the EATA Newsletter. Member of the Professional Board of TAUS – the Balkan
association for Transactional Analysis.
/ Introduction: Kristina Brajović Car
/ ZESUI and PID-5: Convergence of the instruments on the clinical population with cross-validation study: Ana Andonov, Kristina Brajović Car
/ Correlations between Ego States, Drama Triangle Roles and Conflict Resolution in Couples: Mateja Miložič, Gregor Žvelc
/ Alcohol Addiction – A TA Perspective: Ivan Anđelković
/ Life Script and the Psychology of Homicide: Leposava Kron
/ Marketing Through the Eye of Transactional Analysis: Tijana Bastašić
Edicija: Collectanea
Grafičko oblikovanje: Srdja Dragović
Obim: 85 strana
Godina izdanja: 2019.
ISBN 978-86-81042-18-2
0 rsd